You’ve Hit the Jackpot! What Next?

Lincoln Casino

Can you imagine what this might be like? Only a few select people know what it feels like to scoop a jackpot on one of their favorite casino games. There are two kinds of jackpot, of course. There is the top prize on a game you are playing, which is a set quantity of coins multiplied by the amount you wagered on the successful line. For instance, if you played a dollar on the line when the combination dropped into place, you might scoop 10,000 coins if that is the top prize. Multiply that by the dollar and you can see how nice a jackpot of that size would be.

The second jackpot would be the big one – the really big one. This is a progressive jackpot, something most slot players will be familiar with. This could be worth anything from a few hundred dollars to a seven-figure sum – maybe even eight figures in the case of a few select slots where the jackpot really climbs high.

Either way, you would be looking at a lovely prize to be appreciated. But what would you do next if you were in this position?

Take stock

This is by far the best advice you could take. If you did manage to scoop a huge number of coins on a slot game, however many that might amount to, you would undoubtedly feel shocked, surprised, and very happy. Those are feelings that would all be positive in this instance, but it might take a while for the news to sink in. Make sure you allow that to happen, because doing anything too quickly might be a mistake. Don’t go out and spend loads of money until it has sunk in. Then you can think about a treat or two.

Look at the withdrawal rules and limits

Depending on the casino you are a member of, you may find you cannot withdraw the whole amount in one hit. Most casinos have daily limits in place, so you may need to make a request every day for a while before you can get all the money you have won.

During this time, you might be tempted to play with some of the cash to see if you can scoop any further prizes. Of course, if you won a jackpot amount, you might decide to keep a portion of it in your casino account to enjoy for a while. However, don’t go beyond your usual limits for wagering on games. Stick to what you know and enjoy. It is a good rule to remember.

If in doubt, contact the casino where you managed to get that jackpot and find out whether you can withdraw all of it (or a greater portion of it) in one go. They will be able to advise you from there.

Plan carefully

This might be a once in a lifetime event for you. Chances are, it will be. So, make sure you think about the amount you have won and what you might do with it. Will you decide to invest it all or spend some on a vacation? Your options will depend on how much you have won, of course. A jackpot in a game could mean a few thousand coins which might equal a few hundred dollars if you made a small wager on the line when the combination struck. Conversely, those progressive jackpots can be worth millions. The amount you have secured will decide how you proceed from here. Will it be time for a great meal out, a great vacation, or a new home?

You can see that by considering your options – once the shock has sunk in a bit – you can work out the best route ahead. Celebrate your good fortune, of course, and then figure out how to make the most of that cash.